Saturday 3 November 2012


Further more, my blood getting all over the piece must signify yet another manifestation, a realease if you will of our painful past. I am curious to see whether the cover is bleached or whether i am able to get a chance to try working the blood out. Situations like these make me ask myself and the universe what meaning will be attached to the final outcome of a given mundane happening? but i know the answer to my ever questioning mind. There is meaning in everything and we as human beings have the unique ability to give meaning and make connections where we feel connection must be made. Giving things meaning in our lives is just one way we give power to our personal journey through a life full of randomness and never ending chaos.

I like having the matching pillow case now much more then i liked having it when i still had the cover. The manifestations of meaning i keep with me bring me comfort in the way one simple thing can bring back the reality of the experiences we've lived through. The images that flood the mind in the wake of remembering the past can invoke powerful emotions within; a stimulant induced by the makeup of our mind designed to calm the nervous thought that life has no significance.

An inspiring thought

today i am just going over my relationship again. why am i going through what i am going through? what am i learning from it all? As i think, ideas come to the surface that work as answers to my life questions.

i brought logan into my life for a few reasons, some of these reasons are still in the deep recesses of my unconscious, subconscious mind, their relevance still surfacing. The cards have told me that one of the experiences i am going through, that we are going through as a couple right now, is one of witnessing a series of manifestations that carry the pain and suffering embodied in our most recent past together.

The most obvious manifestations are appearing as illnesses and turns of bad luck for Logan. A more subtle example that i am seeing is the fact that one of the items he took unknowingly was my black and white swirled blanket cover. Through my trials over the past few years this cover when spread across my bed signified to me all the chaos and craziness that continually rushed through my head. It is a buisy piece and i am surprised but also not at the same time that i am glad to see he picked it up for now he has something to remember me by. There is yet another more deeper reason why i feel good about the cover being passed to him. I feel that his possessing this item signifies the work he did with me in getting me through my most troubled times.

I believe that Logan has truly helped me get through a very hard point in my drug addiction. He came into my life at the time when i was finally done being an addict but had not yet the strength to give it up and find my true self again. For that he must be commended. For this reason he is still in my life.